Monday, October 11, 2010

Tooting No One Else's Horn

If you're here, presumably you know me from elsewhere. Like, possibly my other blog
( which I will continue to use, specifically for posts about Swill Magazine ( Or perhaps you know me through my Twitter moniker, @swillmag. Again, that account will remain active, but I am going to use it primarily for tweets about Swill. My new, even less altruistic than its predecessor Twitter account is @robpierce2verbs .

 I've started this blog and the new Twitter account because I've written a novel and I want to sell the damned thing. This is a separate activity from selling Swill. I've named this blog after a mnemonic that works - I tell people that my name is Rob Pierce, two verbs, and they remember my name. If I tell them just the name without the mnemonic, they tend to forget. So far this works at the bank and the pet food store. Soon, it will work with the entire world.

The title of this post is an exaggeration. I will continue to say nice things about people who deserve it (which makes me wonder - have I said anything nice about anyone besides myself on my other blog?) So, if it's not a continuation, I will start to do that. I know I am fascinating, but there is a longshot that someone visiting this blog would like to read about someone besides me. Of course, the best way to do that is to visit someone else's blog. My recommendations would be the blogs I like to visit, which should be listed on this page somewhere. If not yet, soon.

Anyway, that is why this blog is here. Now, to notify the curious masses.